Weekend Warrior - Videos to get your Stoked.

One thing I love about climbing is that it takes you places. It takes you to new landscapes, new countries, new cultures....

(Turn the speakers up. The music is good.)

However, one should not forget their native homeland. For me, this is the Cascades. There is TOO MUCH good climbing here. As I transition from rock climbing into more snow and ice, Baker keeps staring me in the face. I feel like the worst Bellingham resident when I tell people I just haven't done it yet. The bottom line is that it needs to get done, soon. Good weather is here, and people are starting to summit Baker along with many other things in the Cascades. You should too.

These fine folks descend in style....

The Fabulous Baker Boyz from Kevin Ault on Vimeo.

Even more Baker action....Looks like this group hit that ONE good weather window in May.

Mount Baker May 2010 from AdrienHD on Vimeo.
