Institute Kids!

Working as a mountain guide provides for a strange life. However, there are a few of us who participate in "normal" activities. There are a few of us who don't live out of a car. And indeed, there are a few of us who even have kids.

This blog is devoted to those wonderful children who are growing up with a mountain guide as a parent.

First we have a series of photos from the Kuhnleins. Peter Kuhnlein has been working for AAI since 2002. He no longer works for us full time, but does pick up trips here or there. In mid-June he successfully guided the Mountaineers Route on Mount Whitney. He and his wife Lisa run a photography studio in Anacortes. Their daughter Madelyn is 2 years and three months old. And they're expecting another one!

AAI Guide Joseph Anderson has two young boys. His older son, Jacob just finished kindergarten. His younger son, Elias, is two and a half. A number of the proceeding pictures are from a rock climbing trip to Leavenworth, Washington. In the second photo, Jacob is climbing Meat Grinder, a seriously sandbagged 5.10a.

AAI Guide Jason Martin has an 11 month-old daughter and a son on the way. Jason's daughter is already well traveled. In the proceeding photos she is in Yosemite National Park, Red Rock Canyon and Seattle. She has also been fortunate enough to visit Joshua Tree National Park, Flagstaff, and Albaqurquie.

In this last photo, Holly is posing at the Red Rock Rendezvous. She is holding up an AAI catalogue that is open to a page that features a photo of her daddy.

As stated above, both Jason's and Peter's wives are pregnant. AAI Guide Richard Riquelme's wife is also expecting. Rest assured, there will be more news on each of these upcoming additions to the AAI family.