Weekend Warrior -- Videos to get you stoked!

Welcome Weekend Warriors to another edition of Videos to get you Stoked!

We've got a very special collection of videos this week that are guaranteed to satisfy your hunger for the stoke.  Since the weather has been warming up in the Northwest I decided it was time to highlight one of the great climbing areas close to home, Squamish.  These amazing granite cliffs to the north offer some of the best climbing around but don't take my word for it...check out the videos!

The first video on the line-up features an inspirational story of a quadriplegic on a mission to climb the Grand Wall.  With pure dedication, a lot of ingenuity, and a bit of support he is able to make an attempt at the huge granite face.  Does he make it...watch and find out!

The second video showcases the first ascent of the infamous Dreamcatcher on the Cacodemon Boulder.  Watch as the gravity defying Chris Sharma sends this incredible, seemingly impossible line.  I don't know how he does it...maybe it's the loud screaming whenever he gets pumped.  I think I'll give it a shot next time I'm at the crags.

The final video is my personal gift to all of you.  We had to dig into the archives for this little gem of a video, which is probably the greatest music video ever made...seriously, this thing is pure gold!  Watch as David Lee Roth transforms himself from a hip-thrusting, roundhouse kick throwing (eat your heart out Chuck Norris) rock and roll superstar into a pendulum swinging, tyrollean traversing Yosemite rock climber.  Let's not forgot David's exit off-stage at the end of this video..pure genius.