The End of an Era

Coley Gentzel started at AAI in the year 2000. Over the years he has become a fixture at this company. He has worked as a registrar, a guide manager, a program coordinator, and a guide. Perhaps, most importantly, he has been a friend to all of us here and to countless climbers on countless trips.

Coley was responsible for updating our Alaska programs. He tirelessly worked to make our Denali trips and our Alaska Range programs the best in the business. He did this by guiding several trips in the area as well as by making significant personal ascents in the Alaska Range.

Friday was Coley's last full day in the office. He has taken a job as a Mountaineering Ranger in Denali National Park. So we'll still see him around in the Alaska Range, but it's still the end of an era...

Following is a photo essay of Coley's years at the Institute:

Coley Leading Ham and Eggs on the Moose's Tooth, Alaska Range
Photo by Seth Hobby

Resting on the Ruth Glacier, Alaska Range
Photo by Seth Hobby

Woah, that was a crazy party! A Grade V Halloween Party

Coley on the Triple Couloirs, Cascades

Dinner is Served, Denali, Alaska Range

Resting in the Chehalis Range