How to Fit a Backpack

Wayne Gregory is experienced at designing backpacks. He’s been in the industry for 40 years. And 31 years ago he started Gregory Mountain Products. Some might argue that there is no one better to give advice on how to fit a pack.

Gregory, under Wayne's guidance, was the first to design and develop packs in frame sizes which mimic a wearer’s torso length. This is important because if your pack isn't correctly sized for your torso, it simply won't be comfortable.

In the following video clip Wayne explains how to properly fit a backpack, and describes some of the ideas that make Gregory packs carry comfortably.

It should be noted that while many of our guides do carry Gregory packs, others are critical of them. Many are concerned about how much the company's larger packs weigh. Some are concerned about the "bells and whistles" feeling that there are extra straps and accessories on the packs that don’t add functions that are needed but do add weight.

Buying the right pack is a deeply personal choice. This is a marriage. If you make the right choice you will be happy and healthy in the mountains. If you make the wrong choice, you will be looking for a divorce.

It is important that whatever pack you buy is the right size for your trip. It is important that the pack fits right. It is important that the pack is durable. It is important that it is functional. And it is important that it is light. If you keep shopping until you find a pack that fits these prerequisites, then you will definitely be a "happy camper."

--Jason D. Martin