July and August Climbing Events


--July 9-12 -- Mount Rainier, WA -- Climb to Conquer SADS

--July 16-20 -- Squamish, BC -- Squamish Mountain Festival


--July 16 -- Las Vegas, NV -- Las Vegas Climbers Liaison Council Meeting

--August 20 -- Las Vegas, NV -- Las Vegas Climbers Liaison Council Meeting


--Former AAI Guide and writer Majka Burhardt will be presenting a slide show on her new book, Vertical Ethiopia in Boulder, Greenwich, Boston, New Paltz, San Francisco, and Telluride. For more info, click here.

--July 9-13 -- Lander, WY -- International Climber's Festival

--July 15 -- NA -- Reel Rock Filmmaking Competition Deadline

--July 27 -- Allgäu Mountains, Germany -- UIAA Global Youth Summit: Hot rocks wild water camp in Germany

--August 8-9 -- Salt Lake City, UT -- Mammut Bouldering Championship

--August 16-23 -- Bicz Gorges National Park, Romania -- International Youth Climbing Camp