So far, so good. Keeping it safe on Mount Rainier

"Accident-wise," things have been REALLY QUIET on the rescue front. We've had a few minor issues, but nothing too serious. One frustrating event did occur this weekend that required our attention. A climber took 15 hours to reach Camp Muir (with the help of his partner and the climbing rangers). Yup, 15 HOURS. OK, so he said he wasn't going to climb, but two days later, the Camp Muir ranger was notified about two climbers having an argument at the base of the Disappointment Cleaver. Seems the faster partner couldn't handle the stumblingly-slow pace and decided no ascent was better than a 24 hour one-way ascent. The tenacious one, however, continued uphill at a snails pace until guides and rangers convinced him otherwise.

We've also seen a number of folks show up at Camp Muir without the proper overnight gear. A climber at Camp Muir sent me these observations, I wanted to share them.
"Just a quick comment about our stay at Camp Muir. It always amazes me how many people... show up at Muir... with no tent. We saw this Thursday night when a group of 4 arrived at the public shelter. Problem was, the shelter was full. They became a bit indignant and fortunately for them, the ranger helped them put
together a lean-to from scrap lumber behind the shelter... so they weren't exactly out in the elements (I'd have told them to go back to Paradise)."
It seems odd to actually have to say this in 2006, but please, BRING the proper equipment and KNOW how to use it.

As for climbing info... I'm trying a new format on the Updated Climbing Conditions page... Otherwise, send me your comments and images. I want 'em... :)