Weekend Warrior -- Videos to get you stoked!

It is that time again. Time t0 throw off the suits and ties (or whatever you wear to work) and dawn our respected suits of outdoor armor. Whether it be shorts and t-shirt for some classic cragging or the full-on gore-tex tux for some hardcore alpine endeavors...whatever you wear the important thing is getting out there and playing outside. To help you get psyched we've got a few great videos for you.

The first is the trailer for the seldom seen classic climbing movie "Take it to the Limit". I watched this last night and was simply amazed at the filmmaking and acting quality. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it and be prepared to laugh...a lot!

The second video is from another classic piece of climbing cinema, "Cliffhanger". Whenever I see footage from this movie I was wonder what type of impact Sylvester would have had on the climbing world if he hadn't went the Hollywood route. I mean, you can't fake this footage...right?

And last but certainly not least...Vertical Limit! This film is quite possibly Chris O'Donnell's finest work...which I realize isn't saying much (I apologize ahead of time to all three of his fans). After all, only the best of the best could pull off the high flying chasm jump at the end of this trailer, talk about shoulder and grip strength!