A few weeks ago, the
American Alpine Institute participated in the annual
Red Rock Rendezvous as a key sponsor. Eighteen of our guides attended the event and taught a variety of clinics and classes throughout
Red Rock Canyon.
We had a lot of guides around...and we couldn't resist. So we ran a guide training with a focus on multi-pitch rock guiding. Dawn Glanc, an AMGA Certified Rock Guide; Forest McBrian, an IFMGA Aspirant; and I, an AMGA Certified Rock Guide; ran the training...and it was awesome.
Guides guided guides up and down routes like
Alage on Parade (III, 5.7+),
All that Jazz (II, 5.8),
Physical Graffiti (I+, 5.7) and
Community Pillar (IV, 5.9). Everybody had a great time and expanded their skills and knowledge.
Following is a photo essay from the training:
AAI Guide Viren Perumal contemplates life in Red Rock
Photo by Ruth Hennings
AAI Guide Ben Traxler guiding Algae on Parade
Photo by Ruth Hennings
AAI Guide and Guide Trainer, Forest McBrian relaxing in Red Rock
Photo by Ruth Hennings
AAI Program Coordinator Ruth Hennings at the base of Algae on Parade
Photo by Ben Traxler
AAI Guide Viren Perumal follows Algae on Parade
Photo by Ruth Hennings
Mike Pond and Kurt Hicks at the Base of All That Jazz
Photo by Jason Martin
Mike Pond belays Kurt Hicks up the last pitch of All That Jazz
Photo by Jason Martin
Somehow Forest always allows himself to get photographed when
he is asleep and looks funny.This is on the flight back
to Bellingham after he's all tuckered out.
Photo by Ruth Hennings--Jason D. Martin