AAI guide Dawn Glanc recently signed on to be part of an awareness-raising expedition to an unclimbed peak in Alaska next summer. This is a unique venture launched by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and the intention is to raise awareness about cancer research. The Center hopes that individuals following the climb will come to appreciate the parallels between the quest to scale an unclimbed peak and the groundbreaking research being conducted at the Hutchinson Center.
Dawn, along with Matt Farmer, Kevin Mahoney, and Bayard Russell Jr. (read bios at http://www.fhcrc.org/about/bigexpedition/climber_bios.html)
will be heading to Alaska next June to climb a peak that has never been climbed. The Hutchinson Center has chosen an unclimbed peak for the expedition's objective because "unclimbed mountains are analogous to conquering cancer." The mountain itself will be chosen by the Big Expedition's Mountaineering Advisory Committee and will be announced this winter.
The project's official name is the Big Expedition for Cancer Research - Unclimbed Mountains to be Conquered.
Link to the Hutchinson Center's press release on this story: http://www.fhcrc.org/about/ne/news/2007/09/27/bigexpedition.html
Link to the expedition's web page: http://www.fhcrc.org/about/bigexpedition

You can get in touch with Dawn at info@aai.cc.