If you live in Northwestern Washington and are in the market for climbing and outdoor gear, then you won't want to miss our annual end-of-the-season gear sale. We will be selling a huge chunk of our rental fleet for up to 75% off (including mountaineering boots, crampons, axes, snowshoes, backpacks, and tents). Additionally, we will be selling much of our retail gear, including clothing and rock climbing gear, for up to 40% off.
When: Friday, Oct 5 from 7am to 7pm; and Saturday, Oct 6 from 9am to 5pm.
Where: American Alpine Institute Gear Shop (1515 12th St in Fairhaven. Directions: Take Exit 250 off I-5, head west about one mile and take a right on 12th St. We are the second building on the right.)
Questions: Call the gear shop at 360-671-1570 or email them at info@guideschoice.com.
See ya there!