I salute the master of the no-slip hair clip! Do you think that wire leads to a battery pack?
No sports bra? Your regular one or even your cami with the built-in shelf bra (which honestly is only a "bra" for 12-year old girls and is a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen for the rest of us) will do in a pinch.
No heart rate monitor? Take your pulse the old fashioned way on your neck. (Just don't press so hard you pass out.)
No shoes? My friend Leah once famously did a TurboKick class in her socks rather than miss her workout. My husband has run a mile in his work shoes. And just last month I lifted weights in my snow boots due to my keys making an impromptu trip to work with my husband.
No deodorant? Make some by making a paste with your spit and some diaper rash cream. Yeah, I actually tried that once. I can't say that it didn't work though - my armpits definitely didn't smell like sweat! Not that Desitin is preferrable to b.o.
But there is one thing I simply cannot exercise without: a hair tie. I can't stand having hair on my neck and in my face. I'll use bobby pins, head bands and flower clips as well but always in conjunction with a rubber band. Gym Buddy Krista once asked me if I was into Kabbalah because she thought the red ponytail holder that I always wore on my left wrist was a red Kabbalah string. Being as attached to hair ties as I am, I've tried them all and they've all been okay but then the other day Gym Buddy Allison showed up with these:

These do not fall out or slip at all! You know those cute ponytails where you pouf it up a little bit at the crown but they never stay without booby-trapping them with 100 bobby pins because the hair band doesn't hold tight enough? My poufy pony lasted all day today! (I cannot believe I just wrote that.) No bobbies, no slipping!
They may look like the jelly bracelets of your youth but these Scuni "evolution" bands are actually the cutest tightest don't-get-stretched-outiest hair ties you have ever used! And they come in clear in case you don't like looking as Rainbow Brite as I do! I can't believe I'm this excited about a rubber band but there you go. It's the little things in life.
What's the one thing you can't workout without? Have you ever done a crazy "fix" because you forgot something important? How do you keep your hair out of your face?