First - If you've ever commented on my site, you'll notice I use a plug-in widget called Intense Debate. It's better than Blogger's native commenting system (allows for threading, e-mail replies, IP tracking etc.) but it's also terribly buggy. It'll work perfectly for months and then out of the blue go haywire and eat a bunch of comments. That, apparently, happened this past week. I just released over 100 not-spam comments from the "spam" moderation folder. So if you commented and you didn't see it post, that's probably what happened.
Second, it has been randomly eating my replies to your comments. For instance, I replied to everyone who commented on my Dietary Fat post (great comments on that one!!) but only about 3/4 of them are showing up right now. I've reposted my replies only to have them disappear up to 3 times. So I want to apologize if you asked me a question and didn't get a reply. I DID respond - and if you left an e-mail addy I tried to send it to you there. I'm looking for a different commenting system in the meantime (and trying to get up the guts to finally switch to WordPress already - Ryan, genius that he is, at No More Bacon posted a step-by-step guide but I can't even get past the first step... doesn't bode well. ) Recommendations totally appreciated if you have any help for me!
So [insert totally unnatural segue here] part of eating intuitively is eating what you need when you want it but equally important is learning how to not eat when you aren't hungry. Social situations can be particularly tricky. How do you respond to people when they want you to eat something you don't want to eat, without resorting to lying or giving in? One-year-old Jelly Bean's tactic of throwing said food right back in the giver's face is effective but in case you'd like some other tips, I've posted my second tip in my "Little Steps to Better Health" series for BlogHer: Rejecting Food Without Being Rude.
Have you ever been in that situation? Did you fake sick? Pretend an allergy? Or have you found a way to talk about it without artifice? Share your tips please!