After a marathon drive (20 hours driving in 24 hours) I just made it back to Boulder in time for a meeting I needed to attend. The Bishop trip was amazing! I got to climb so many of the problems I was psyched on. Of course I left a few behind for next trip - especially the project I cleaned which is in the picture above. The picture doesn't really do it justice though - it is taller than it looks.
I climbed on Monday before leaving but didn't try the project. Early in the morning, I went back up to the Ninth, a problem I established in 2005, to film it with Brett Lowell and Cooper Roberts. They are filming for the new movie "Progression" which is supposed to come out this coming fall. They are doing a section on Bishop with Kevin doing some of the big lines including his new one. They may use the footage of the Ninth to help set the scene. After climbing up there, I went to the main area and gave some burns on the Buttermilker. My first go was really good but I didn't quite hold the swing when I took my toe hook out. The next few goes were worse. Then I tried some different beta and found a way to kneebar the last move. This allowed me to use an easier sequence for removing the toe hook. I gave it a few more tries and then just barely managed to send it. It was pretty cool to do it and I had to try hard because things weren't perfect. I only didn the problem from the underclings which goes at V12 - I'll perhaps have to try the V13 sit start next time even though it doesn't really add any hard or interesting moves. Below is a photo of my brother trying the Buttermilker earlier in the trip. To end the day, I tried Thunderbird V11 and did it on my second try. I had tried it in the past but usually only half-heartedly because I was scared of splitting a tip. This time, I used no tape and really dug into the crimp. I had to pull hard but it all worked out. The low start to this one, Direction, will also have to wait for the next trip.

Now I'm in Boulder trying to get back into the groove of school. The weather is looking good though for the next few days so I'm hoping to get outside to climb. I'm psyched to try Suspension of Disbelief in Eldo. I also want to start roaming around scouting potential trad projects.