Here are some random picture memories from the years' past that make me smile:
When Gunther (Natasha's cat) came to visit AAI:

Hanging out in Red Rock with Niki and Zephyr:
Richard and Greg, always the jokers:
Hanging out in a crevasse, on my first AAI course ("um, guys? it's kinda cold down here...":

Climbing Mt. Ruth with Aura on a fantastic day with a killer view:
Climbing the North Twin with Andrew and making the horrible mistake of descending down the east gully...don't try it.
Before I went to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro, Andy gave me a very serious lesson in satellite phone usage:
And Natasha almost didn't let me go (literally):
Here is a random picture of Coley partaking in his "other" hobby, because believe it or not in the three years I've worked here I've never snapped a picture of Coley Gentzel.

The "Huckers" after Ski to Sea, aka: friends I would not have met if it weren't for AAI (I feel sooo lucky to know you girls!):

The ladies of AAI, summer '07:
Just finishing up a flight tour of the North Cascades - doing "research" for one of AAI's programs...
Dunham got to go too:
My parting shot....

I'll miss you all! And for those of you who I helped register and prepare for your programs, don't worry - Andy, Coley, Natasha, and (our newest) Ruth will all take great care of you.