I first laid eyes on Mount Rainier when I hiked the Wonderland Trail in 1991 and have since snowshoed, skied, and hiked all over the park. Once, I spent a night lost on the "ridge to nowhere" and in 2003 I climbed to the summit. Like many people in the Puget Sound area, I gaze at the gorgeous mountain with awe every time it's "out."
These days, I'll be helping Mike update this blog so you can get your Mount Rainier fix more regularly when he's off climbing and vacationing, (or claiming to be "busy" with bureaucratic policy/budget meetings). I hope to add posts about what life is like at Mount Rainier, and to help you get to know some of the unique personalities that spend time and on "The Mountain."
Only on occasion do I climb "technical peaks." I am, however, fascinated with the climbing world -- so much so that a number of dastardly rock-climbing boyfriends make appearances in my novel (Mount Rainier makes an important appearance too). That is part of why I'm very excited to be here this winter, working hard to keep this blog fresh and fun